Terms of Reference (ToR)
Phase 2 of HI IEDD Course Module
15th November 2019 – 15th December 2019
1. Context of the Mission
a. The Explosive Ordnance threat for MA operations worldwide, and particularly in Iraq, has evolved to include significant quantities of booby-traps and Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), and these have become the weapon of choice in areas of instability. IS produced IED’s on an industrial scale for use in the region during their fights against the advancing Kurdish and Iraqi Forces during the recent conflicts. Within the context of Operations in Iraq where HI is to be implementing clearance activities the core activity will be the IED threat mitigation.
b. The HI Iraq programme has already gained IED Operational Accreditation in the areas now controlled by the Government of Iraq (GOI) specifically for the areas previously retaken from IS and now under the authority of the Directorate of Mine Action (DMA), a branch of the Ministry of Environment. HI has been conducting Clearance and Survey activities in rural areas and would hope to expand to other locations where there are further significant threats from IED’s especially in urban environments.
c. As part of present operations and development of the staff it is necessary to conduct additional training within this specialist field and HI (Iraq). The requirement is to develop the staff further with an updated course that includes more complex devices and switches as well as more complex task scenarios.
d. The use of an external training provider especially for IEDD Operations has the additional benefit of having a second set of eyes review the HI operations and this prevents the organisation from being too introverted in its approach. Undoubtedly, HI have the ability to conduct any training course but IEDD is a highly specialised series of operations and having external professional input is a good safety back-up.
e. HI conducted a basic IEDD Humanitarian course in May of 2018 and a similar course in North East Syria. The basic IEDD course was specifically tailored to the HI operations after a Technical Needs Analysis (TNA) had been developed in 2017. In May 2019 an in-house Basic IEDD course was run by HI Iraq which followed the same protocols as the original course and this was validated in September 2019 by an external training provider with a 100% task and student assessment pass rate.
f. The basic course covered only simple switches and devices as experienced by HI during the rural clearance operations. This new course is designed to improve operator knowledge and skills with regards to more complex switches, devices and scenarios and is very important for future operations and for staff development.
2. Objective and expected outcomes
2.1. General objectives
a. To conduct Phase 2 of the HI IEDD Operators training for staff from Iraq and Syria.
b. To ensure that the HI Operators are trained to work safely and in line with their SOP’s
c. To be able to use the course to validate HI SOP’s as a practical tool for field operations and to highlight anomalies where they occur.
d. To help to develop the mind-set and attitude of the HI field staff for working in an IED environment which is of a higher threat than present operations.
e. To continue with the foundations to enable the HI Supervisors and Managers in HI to provide continuation training for the present HI National field staff for clearance operations
f. To lay the foundations to enable the HI Iraq MA management team to develop and conduct an in-house higher threat level IEDD training course for future operations.
2.2. Specific objective
a. To instruct the students from HI with regards to more complex switches, devices and scenarios.
b. To ensure that the standard of the students meets the requirements of UN IEDD Clearance Standards and Iraqi protocols.
c. To provide further updates on new threats within Iraq and Syria, where known.
d. To assess and validate the HI Operators by the end of the course to ensure they are capable of operating in a higher threat environment.
3. Schedule
Training to be scheduled from Sunday 17th of November on the field
With whom
- To be agreed
4. Achievements
a. All students to have a better understanding of the increased threat faced by more complex switches, devices and scenarios as found throughout Iraq and Syria
b. Continuation of the further development the operational staff.
c. Take the students to the next level of IEDD operations in Iraq and Syria.
5. Action Plan
a. The HI students will assemble in Kalar before the course in readiness.
b. The sites required for the different tasks and scenarios in addition to the general training area are to be assessed before the commencement of the course.
c. Permissions for the locations is to be sought prior to the commencement of training.
d. All training sites are to be set up as typical HI clearance sites to add realism to the training.
e. All training aids are to be prepared prior to the commencement of the course. No live items are to be used during the training or validation.
f. All additional specialist tools and equipment are to be obtained prior to the commencement of the course.
g. The student assessments are to consist of a series of individual tests on a series of switches and devices.
h. If a student fails any of the tests and time permits then that person may be given a second opportunity to retake that assessment.
6. Arrangements on the field
a. Flight tickets (arrival and departure) to be company’s/self-responsibility of the training provider/s
b. The instructors are hosted in a hotel in Kalar along with other HI students
c. The cost of the hotel and Per Diem is to be borne by HI.
d. Transportation from the airport and to and from the training area and any other movement is to be provided by HI.
e. The Instructors are to be covered by HI’s local security rules in Kalar.
7. Required Background and Skills
a. Instructors to have at least 5 years’ experience working in the field of instruction in the civilian clearance world
b. Concrete experience in IEDD operations and training in a civilian environment including humanitarian operations
c. Previous experience in IEDD training preferably in Middle East context is an asset,
d. Thorough understanding of the UN and International standards of IEDD operations
e. Excellent English language and writing skills
8. Application Procedure
Please send your applications by email to tenders@iraq.hi.org by Saturday 2nd of November until 4 PM (Iraqi Time) with subject “IEDD Course Level-2” and with the following annexes:
· Profile of the company
· Sample of a similar training you have conducted in the past
· A technical proposal,
· List of staff working with the company
· Proposed training methodology
· List of materials to be used in the training
· Action plan along with time frame/schedule of the training
· Financial proposal (please mention validity of the financial offer), including minimum required fee for the training conduction and breakdown of proposed costs.
· Copy of registration certificate of the company/freelancers
· Bank details
· References of the previous trained organizations
- If you wish to apply or contact us for this tender, please specify that you saw it on vacanciesiniraq.com